What to Look For in A Transport Agency
“On Going Training, Experience, Additional Services & Availability”
1. Find out the type of education and on-going training the escort agency requires of their agents.
It's necessary for an agency to stay educated on current techniques used in today's escort and adolescent services. Transport agencies should know the laws of the city, county, and state where the transport will take place to avoid any legal complications that could hamper a transport. Equipped with this information, trained agents can then take the appropriate measures to ensure a positive experience and a successful transport.
2. How long has the agency been escorting adolescents, how many transports have they completed, and what is their success rate?
The experience level of the company you are hiring to transport your adolescent could indicate the agency's competency to handle whatever may arise in your situation.
3. Does the agency use restraints, and if so, why and how often?
A good escort agency uses mental rather than physical power. Some agencies treat a child as if they were a criminal, instead of a troubled youth. To assure these adolescents arrive at the facility with an open mind, they need counseling as they're being escorted. If possible, the youth need to view this as a positive experience; one that will equip them to become individuals capable of making good decisions for their future.
4. How many trained staff does the agency employ?
The diversity of staff members allows an agency flexibility. After doing a psychological and physical profile of the child, the company can determine the agent, or agents, who can best work with the child during the escort.
5. What other services can the agency provide?
Some companies can locate runaway children, or hold the child for a few days until the school or program is ready for them. Some may have a private plane at their disposal if needed for an escort. Others have trained agents capable of going undercover to infiltrate various segments of society when necessary. These diverse skills and services can prove invaluable in dealing with the unique requirements of your situation.
6. What is the agency's availability?
In crisis situations, you should know the agency's hours of operation and ease of access.
7. Ask for references and letters from parents who have used the agency services.
These items should be readily available to you,as you determine what transport company will work best with your youth.
8. What are the agency's goals?
What will the escort agents accomplish by the end of the escort? Is their focus simply getting the child to the placement, or are they concerned with helping the child to see the placement as a positive step towards help.
9. Use your intuition.
Is the escort agency really involved in helping your child, or is their primary focus on money? Get all of the facts necessary to help you make an informed decision